Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Sunday 29 March 2020

Today's first task was to to use up some time adjusting the clocks.

It's remarkable how many timepieces there are to adjust in a fairly straightforward flat, what with the accumulation of things over the passage of time: in the kitchen, the cooker, microwave and (for some reason) the electronic scales each have their own clock, in the bedroom a bedside clock, in the living room two analogue clocks, the radio/hifi and the DVD player need manual adjustment - and so does the landline phone. Not to mention three old-fashioned wrist-watches.

It doesn't take long, and at least it looks as though we've used up another hour of confinement - even though it's the confinement itself that removes the need to keep an eye on any clock for just about anything (other than shop opening hours). It may be called Summer Time, but since it's neither winter nor summer, one can't really call the present limbo hibernation or estivation - primaveration?


  1. Golly, I never thought of many of the clocks you mention. I just toddle along from season to season and let them all do their own thing.
    I wonder if that might be the reason for . . . .?

    Filling time is not too difficult just yet, reading, writing, listening to music (very loudly now), a bit of gardening, some staring out of windows, a bit of a walk most days, computer scrolling, TV/DVDs, and reflecting on past, present and future. It’s doable.
    Good luck, Autolycus

  2. At least the internet and satellite tv boxes change themselves.

  3. I was delighted to see you posting, back in the saddle as it were.
    In Arizona we don't do no stinkin time changes, which is nice - until you have to look up are we now on the same time as California or New Mexico or both.

  4. The cooker always confuses me and I end up baking an invisible pie for 2hrs after 11am.
